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Fuck N mfomane


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I just moved from there because I got banned twice for no reason. 

My last message I warned other members about a gypsy nest, then boom I got banned. 

Bare in mind that I have nothing against gypsies and I was not rude. 

But when I went there the girl offered the worst service, fast fuck, fake pictures and fake info. 

nu am citit regulamentul si postez de-am-pulea does not care about the community anymore, he is just obsessed with Kiminlove and he want people's government Id's so they can go to jail or get his site hacked. 

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  • steroidu changed the title to Fuck N mfomane
  • Administrators

Welcome, @Wantedartist Please note that posts in Discutii Generale do not count towards your overall reputation, hence all of them will need to be approved manually (as it happens with all new posts from new members). This is just in case you were wondering why they don't appear as soon as you post them. BR

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Thanks. No problem, this forum seems 100x cleaner than N*mfomane and I like it. 

Just need a few updates then I hope girls will come here. 

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I hope you guys are ready for the death of N*mfomane September 1st, 2022

DDC forum need to rise up, we need to bring all the girls we know here :)


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ar fi grozav o rubrica de anunturi ale fetelor noi.ar ajuta la cresterea site-ului si pe noi ca am gasii mai usor ce ne dorim.

eu inca am cont pe nimfo,nu m-au banat cu toate ca prin 2018 a fost o perioada cand eram acuzat ca am clone si ma vedeam atras in scandaluri pe care nu le doream si nici nu erau ale mele.insa de anul trecut ,vazand cat de usor poti citii aici o recenzie si care pe deasupra este oarecum credibila(mai depinde si de chimia intre client si fata),am decis sa ajut la cresterea acestui site si sa pun informatii doar aici.

faceti o treaba buna si ganditi-va la o rubrica de anunturi a fetelor din escorting.dupa prima  recenzie,le puteti muta la fete mainstream.

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@new.user, nu ne dorim sa fim un forum de anunturi ale fetelor, pentru anunturi au publi24, anuntul telefonic sau mai stiu eu ce modalitate. Cu toate acestea, este creat un forum, Disponibilitate, in care fetele, daca vor, isi pot crea topicul lor, cu link catre topicul cu anuntul si recenzii, in care sa anunte cind sint disponibile. Asta pentru a nu polua topicul initial cu up-uri

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The community in N*mfomane is very very toxic 

A lot of insults and nonsense for nothing 

I think DDC forum already added an Ad section. It is called Disponibil it is new

Now we just need more girls to move here

And I personally think the design of ddcforum.com need to be updated, now it looks too old or something 

It needs to be more appealing. Maybe with a girl on the logo


Edit: here it is if I understand what you are saying :


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5 minutes ago, Futuloiu said:

@Wantedartist, i understand your enthusiasm, but chill...

If the girls will want to move, they will, but we do not want to transform this forum in the crowd that is now Nimfoame, ok ?

I have been meeting escorts in Bucharest since 2014

The quality decreased by far

People are saying they want to move out from N*mfomane 

Actually a friend suggested me this forum, even though I knew it before

I don't know if it is DDC forum, but a website need to take N*mfomane's place because over there is now just a mess filled with trolls, spam accounts, and very bad administration 

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@Wantedartist, good for you.

We do not intend to take the place nor to become the new Nimfoame, ok ? There are way more problems than trolls, spam and bad admin, legal problems, you wouldn't understand since u r not romanian.

Enjoy the forum, leave a review when you visit a romanian escort, don't post bullshit or spam and everything will be a ok

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Alright then know your place then assuming you speak on behalf of all the forum

I understand more than you think, you don't know much about me so no need to presuppose

You don't need to be Romanian to understand things like that


Damn, it is true that most Romanians do have an aggressive altitude 

No need to tell me, I already know the rules

And since I visit escorts almost everyday, hell yes I can post reviews

But I am the type of guy who see the bigger picture

And the truth is right now people like me need a good place where people post legit reviews, not mostly posted by pimps, etc.. 

And if you guys want to keep really on the down low, then I don't see the point

Again assuming that you speak on the behalf of the whole site

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@Wantedartist, I said u wouldn't understand because is about the romanian laws about prostitution and pimping, I don't know the laws of your country and I assume that you are not familiar with ours.

I don't have an attitude, just explain some things. This forum is free, we do not charge escorts for their announcements or members for status, we like it as it is. Don't like it because of the format ? Tough luck, it is what it is.

You can't find reviews ? Since you are going on a daily basis to escorts, feel free to write reviews for them, I can hardly wait to read one .

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I meant the design, not the premium memberships, etc.. I actually was on n*mfomane before they had this and it was a lot better

New girls were appearing more often

I actually would not mind if you guys had banners or any non intrusive ad, because as a webmaster myself, I know a site need to eat at least to cover the server costs

I don't want DDC forum to become N*mfomane, I just want girls to feel more comfortable here and see more topics with girls and reviews. 


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  • Administrators

The design is simple, it is the classic theme of Invision (whom we're paying quite a bit to use). I do not plan nor expect big changes in the design over the coming period. 

The laws @Futuloiu referred to say that the minute you receive any money to facilitate prostitution, you are, in principle a pimp or an accessory to pimping. That we've never been, and never will be.

We've never been competition for Nimfoame, that is a commercial platform; this is a platform for brothers, between brothers. There is the occassional girl who posts, while and if she respects our community standards.

Also, not planning to bring over imbeciles from nimfoame - e.g. picon, xoxo_anything, the pink panther retard, etc. 

This is a platform for reading a good review once in a while (if it comes), no stress, no lies, no pressure.



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Haha you mentioned at least 1 person I really had troubles with on n*mfomane

Alright, but it would still be nice if there are a lot more girls and more reviews 

One way or another, people like me need a place with legit reviews for our daily or weekly sport

Anyway you already post a lot of girls here, we just need more reviews and more girls joining the site 

And hell no, we don't need those toxic and often racist trash human beings

I often get attacked for no reason, like just after posting a review and the admin really do not give a shit 

By the way you webmasters must be laughing hard seeing that N*mfomane will introduce government IDs check up

Something bad will obviously happen, I would not be surprised if the admin of the site goes to prison

Especially seeing how insecure the site is

But it is actually not funny because a lot of girls will be risking their life 

And I didn't want to compare your site to n*mfomane in that way

I just meant that there is a good opportunity to get more reviews and girls here

Anyway you already post most girls we see on other sites or n*mfomane we just need reviews lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

BIG advice for escorts

DO NOT upload your government ID to N*mfomane! 

The website is NOT secure! 

I even suspect them of using fake info, they are not using a third party system to verify the government ID, they are faking it. 

You can easily tell by looking how old school the button "Browse here" look. In reality it would be something like this: 

https://docupass.app/DEMO-H6E3RQYZKVD as showing in the official site demo https://www.idanalyzer.com/


They are 100 % frauding escort girls and the security system company. 

It is not even uploaded in a secure page, it is directly using the forum without any security. 

I think a thread about it should be made somewhere and sticky just to protect those girls who will fall into the trap. 

I am trying to inform as many girls as possible myself. 

What a real shame... Fuck N*mfomane they will go to jail. 



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  • 1 month later...

I will try to make more reviews here

Because since I made this post, N*mfomane is 20x worse. 

Barely any new hot girls there. 

Even my friend has been trying to pay for an escort account 500 lei for a week, but the admin keeps ignoring her even though she had a red account for a while. 

And I got another friend who is going to the UK because she doesn't like the new changes. 

A few suckers stayed there and pay for a red account, but I actually feel bad for them because even if 500 lei isn't big for you, the administration is TRASH. This admin is a real joke, give warnings, ban for no reason and doesn't really care about any escort. 

It is even harder to be there if you are a foreigner. 

So I still hope more girls discover Ddcforum and come to a site where admins actually know what they are doing. Not just some greedy bastards. 

I actually would not mind if you would make money through banner ads or something. But Nimfocrap went way too far

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