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Tima Anala Maxima 0736460263


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Foarte rău de serviciu. Aceasta a fost o experienţă mai rău vreodată. Pentru a fi ignorate.Serviciul nu a fost de acord ca a spus la telefon. De asemenea, fata a fost foarte urâtă. Ea este inutil. Păstrat timp de 40 de minute în loc de 1 oră. Nu pleca!  :-[ :'( >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(



[edit Steroidu: Timmoo, thanks for the contribution; several pieces of info are missing still, though: location, price, whether the gal in the pics was the one you met, whether she sucked it covered or bare, a.s.o. Also, humour us and post in your native language and give Google Translate a break - it is semi-cryptic; over here in Romania, we're pretty decent with tongues. I have reverse translated it for you: Cheers


0736460263  0736.460.263 Very bad service. This has been the worst experience ever. To be ignored. The service was not according to that she said on the phone. Also, the girl was very ugly. She is useless. Held on for 40 minutes instead of the hour. Do not visit. 






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The location was in Tineretului Blv 49. Price agreed was 150 Lei for 1 hour. The girl was very annoying and could not smile even 1 second. "Don't touch here, don't touch there" was the constant tone. I really never experienced anything like this. She was even saying I can't make long BJ because I have problems with my teeth. I left because she also started to irritate me. Thanks for allowing English on the forum.

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